A useful bot that lets you check skills, prices, and overall further progress in the game of Hypixel Skyblock
View other players Skyblock networth by their items.
Usage: /networth [name] [profile]
View other players ongoing auctions and get reminded once an auction sold.
Usage: /auctions [name] [profile]
Display lowestbin BIN items given the specified search.
Usage: /lowestbin (item) [advanced]
View other players Senither or Lily weight.
Usage: /weight [name] [profile]
View other players dungeons statistics including secrets count.
Usage: /dungeons [name] [profile]
View other players missing accessories with different sort options.
Usage: /missing [name] [profile]
View other players skills and progress on each skill.
Usage: /skills [name] [profile]
View other players guild networth and see who is the richest in that guild.
Usage: /guildnetworth [guild] [player]
Look up a bazaar item and see how much it is and was worth.
Usage: /bazaar (item) [quantity]
Make it easier for you to search up your own profile.
Usage: /link (name) [profile]
Track the current mayor and next special mayors.
Usage: /mayor
View other players slayer statistics.
Usage: /slayers [name] [profile]
Calculate how many runs are needed to reach a certain catacombs level.
Usage: /calculatexp catacombs (level) [floor] [runs] [score] [secrets] [name] [profile]
Calculate how much XP or what materials are needed to reach a certain alchemy level.
Usage: /calculatexp alchemy (level) [name] [profile]
Calculate how many tiers of each slayer is needed to reach a certain level.
Usage: /calculatexp slayers (slayer) (level) [name] [profile]
Calculate how much XP is needed to reach a certain skill level.
Usage: /calculatexp skills (skill) (level) [xprate] [name] [profile]
Get a quick overview of a players profile.
Usage: /profile [name] [profile]
View the best items to buy from the bits shop.
Usage: /bits
View the best items to forge in the forge for money.
Usage: /forgeprofits
View a players accessories and their tunes.
Usage: /accessories [name] [profile]
View specific leaderboards as well as the best leaderboards a player has.
Usage: /leaderboard [leaderboard] [player] [rank]
View a players hypixel online status.
Usage: /status [name]
View a players hypixel stats.
Usage: /hypixel [name] [profile]
Compare the stats of guild members in a guild.
Usage: /guild (guild) (statistic)
View a players mining statistics.
Usage: /mining [name] [profile]
View a players estimated bestiary level and best mobs to kill to level up bestiary.
Usage: /bestiary [name] [profile]
Have a look at the next skyblock events.
Usage: /events
Look up what materials are needed to craft a certain minion.
Usage: /minioncost (minion) [tier]
Generate a unique stats image for a players profile and customise it.
Usage: /stats [name] [profile]
View a players items and search for an item if it got lost.
Usage: /items [name] [profile]
View all of the commands you can use.
Usage: /help
View a players unlocked minions and cheapest minions to craft to reach a new minion slot.
Usage: /minions [name] [profile]
View a players collections.
Usage: /collections [name] [profile]
View a players pets and missing pets.
Usage: /pets [name] [profile]
View a players most killed mobs.
Usage: /kills [name] [profile]
View a players most deaths.
Usage: /deaths [name] [profile]
View the current fetchur item of the day.
Usage: /fetchur
View an items recipe.
Usage: /recipe (item)
Shows the cost to upgrade a pet at kat.
Usage: /kat (pet)
View the current bingo card and a players progress on it.
Usage: /bingocard [name]
Shows the best sorrow armor piece to craft for money.
Usage: /sorrow
View a players pet milestones.
Usage: /milestones [name] [profile]
Know what pet to use to level up on the experimentation table.
Usage: /petexperimentationdays (experiments) [name] [profile] [chronomatron] [ultrasequencer] [superpairs]
View a players farming statistics and hoes.
Usage: /farming [name] [profile]
View the current skyblock player count and player count history.
Usage: /sbplayercount
Look up the current skyblock date and time.
Usage: /time
View a players eaten century cakes and get reminded if they run out.
Usage: /cakes [name] [profile]
Set yourself reminders to get reminded before the next skyblock event happens.
Usage: /reminder
View a players cake bag and missing cakes.
Usage: /cakebag [name] [profile]
Set a channel where the current mayor and next mayor election will be displayed. (100+ members required)
Report a false price to the developers.
Usage: /reportprice (name) (item) (issue)
Suggest new features for the SkyHelper bot.
Usage: /suggest (suggestion)
Add skyblock events to the discord event tab.
Usage: /scheduledevents
Set a channel where the next skyblock events will be displayed. (100+ members required)
Usage: /eventchannel (#channel)
Create a channel where the current skyblock date will be displayed. (100+ members required)
Usage: /createdatechannel
Set a channel where the latest skyblock patch notes will be posted in. (under 500 members required)
Usage: /patchnoteschannel (#channel) [@role]
Set a channel where the fetchur item of the day will be posted in. (100+ members required)
Usage: /fetchurchannel (#channel) [@role]
Invite the bot to your server.
Usage: /invite
Get support for the SkyHelper bot.
Usage: /support
I can be contacted either on Discord (@altpapier) or via email ([email protected]). This website does not collect any data from the user. If you would like to view the discord bots privacy policy or terms of service, please visit https://privacy.altpapier.dev or https://terms.altpapier.dev.